Family of boy who committed suicide sues drug companies
(too old to reply)
2004-07-23 08:13:50 UTC

Family of boy who committed suicide sues drug companies

Associated Press

NAPLES, Fla. - The family of a University of Florida student who
hanged himself has filed a $20 million lawsuit against seven companies
that produced or distributed Prozac, claiming the anti-depressant drug
worsened his mental illness, leading to his death.

William J. Willkomm III, the father of Billy Willkomm, filed the suit
in U.S. District Court in Fort Myers last week. The suit alleges that
the seven companies failed to inform the medical community that the
drug "increased the risk of personality change and suicide among
certain teenage males."

Billy, an accomplished wrestler at Naples High School, was diagnosed
with depression when he was 16, and prescribed Prozac shortly
thereafter, according to the suit.

In the spring of 2002, Billy's mother contacted his psychiatrist
because she believed his condition was getting worse, according to the
suit. Billy hanged himself at the family's home in July 2002 when he
was 19.

The suit seeks $10 million in compensatory damages for Billy's death,
and another $10 million in punitive damages.

William Willkomm could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

The main defendant, the Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co., was the
first to patent and distribute Prozac in the United States in 1987.

Phil Belt, an Eli Lilly spokesman, said he could not comment on the
suit since the company had not received a copy. He said Prozac has a
good safety record.

Also named as defendants in the suit are: Dista Inc.; Barr
Laboratories Inc.; Pharmaceutical Resources Inc.; Par Pharmaceutical
Cos. Inc.; Teva Pharmaceutics USA Inc.; and Dr. Reddy's Laboratories


Information from: Naples Daily News, http://www.naplesnews.com


Throughout history it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph. Haile Selassie
2004-07-23 10:25:38 UTC
This article clearly indicates this boy was not getting *enough*
medication, not too much. If anyone is at fault, it is the
psychiatrist for not monitoring him closely enough.
Why is it than when someone who is depressed kills themself you point
to the fact that they were on antidepressants and infer, like an
idiot, that it must have been the drugs. It's the depression that
kills, you fool. How can you be so dense?
It is like claiming that everyone that dies from cancer dies because
of the chemo.
If you and your ilk would focus on getting doctors to actually
*monitor* people better, you would find that the risks drop
substantially. It is as if an old man drives a Lincoln into a crowd,
and you try to ban Lincolns instead of calling for increased
restesting of elderly drivers for driver's licenses.
Depressed people kill themselves from time to time. It happens. It is
part of the disease. Medication, when properly prescribed and
adequately monitored saves thousands of lives. Do you hate people so
much that you want to take a life saving treatment option away from
them? Ask yourself why you want to harm people so much. It is truly
sad that you can find no other cause in your life to devote so much
time and energy to. All the hours you spend trying to find articles
with any mention of antidepressants could be spent volunteering at a
soup kitchen, or doing visits to people in nursing homes. You could
try to help people instead of harming them, and you may even find that
the bitterness in you mught subside when you do positive thngs for a
change. There are lots of opportunities to improve the world around
us. I hope that you are able to find one and heal some of the hate in
your soul.

Post by Linda
Family of boy who committed suicide sues drug companies
Associated Press
NAPLES, Fla. - The family of a University of Florida student who
hanged himself has filed a $20 million lawsuit against seven companies
that produced or distributed Prozac, claiming the anti-depressant drug
worsened his mental illness, leading to his death.
William J. Willkomm III, the father of Billy Willkomm, filed the suit
in U.S. District Court in Fort Myers last week. The suit alleges that
the seven companies failed to inform the medical community that the
drug "increased the risk of personality change and suicide among
certain teenage males."
Billy, an accomplished wrestler at Naples High School, was diagnosed
with depression when he was 16, and prescribed Prozac shortly
thereafter, according to the suit.
In the spring of 2002, Billy's mother contacted his psychiatrist
because she believed his condition was getting worse, according to the
suit. Billy hanged himself at the family's home in July 2002 when he
was 19.
The suit seeks $10 million in compensatory damages for Billy's death,
and another $10 million in punitive damages.
William Willkomm could not be reached for comment Wednesday.
The main defendant, the Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co., was the
first to patent and distribute Prozac in the United States in 1987.
Phil Belt, an Eli Lilly spokesman, said he could not comment on the
suit since the company had not received a copy. He said Prozac has a
good safety record.
Also named as defendants in the suit are: Dista Inc.; Barr
Laboratories Inc.; Pharmaceutical Resources Inc.; Par Pharmaceutical
Cos. Inc.; Teva Pharmaceutics USA Inc.; and Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
Information from: Naples Daily News, http://www.naplesnews.com
Throughout history it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph. Haile Selassie
Larry Hoover
2004-07-23 13:36:05 UTC
Post by Lucida
It is like claiming that everyone that dies from cancer dies because
of the chemo.
But people *do* die from chemo, Lucida. We better stop treating cancer with
chemo, before we kill more that way.
2004-07-24 02:36:40 UTC
On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 09:36:05 -0400, "Larry Hoover"
Post by Larry Hoover
Post by Lucida
It is like claiming that everyone that dies from cancer dies because
of the chemo.
But people *do* die from chemo, Lucida. We better stop treating cancer with
chemo, before we kill more that way.
Yeah. That'll make us all much safer. God, it's truly sad the way
these people think- or more aptly, don't think. It's too bad they
can't spend some of that time and energy on something constructive,
like pushing for better monitoring of depressed patients- whether
they're on meds or not. Depression is an inherently dangerous
condition. I guess they're not smart enough to realize that. Meds can
save lives when properly prescribed. Instead of trying to take away a
potentially life saving treatment, you'd think they'd try to improve
quality of care. But then, that would mean that they had to lift
themselves out of their petty little games and look around a bit. And
they'll never do that. Too much invested in the petty crap. Sad, sad,

2004-07-24 16:20:02 UTC
Post by Linda
Family of boy who committed suicide sues drug companies
Associated Press
How awful for you Linda. To be far too stupid to understand the world,
to suffer-plainly- from mental illness and yet be just barely able to
use the internet, hence broadcasting to the world those shortcomings.
And, to cap it all, that very mental illness and lack of intelligence
keeping you from even feeling embarrassed.



"Studies have found that after 3 months of antidepressant
treatment between 50% and 65% of the people who take them
will be much improved (see references). This compares
with 25 - 30% of people given an inactive "dummy" pill,
or placebo."

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